Friday, January 21, 2011

back to the swing of things

today would have been the third day of classes if we didn't have a snow day.

looks like the roads were a little messy especially when I got up at 7 to see if the university was open.
it wasn't, so I went back to bed and slept wonderfully.

I'm going to have a very busy semester, I can tell already.

I'm taking 3 math classes, a computer class, and a psychology class.
I'm only slightly crazy, I swear.

with all that I have PC meetings and events
and I'm working in math services
and I want to read 30 books this year and have only finished 2
and I still want to blog.

I have a lot on my plate I guess.

that's just the way things go when you're back to the swing of things.

3 two cents' worth:

Elysie Piecie said...

It does sound like you have your plate full. I bet the semester will fly by with you being so busy. Yay for SSS. PS you can totally make it to 30 books. I have faith.

Shelley said...

I give you credit for that crazy schedule! At least you will never be bored!

lul said...

3 math courses?! Are you crazy woman?! Haha I hate math so much, never got it and I think I could seriously be the worst thing that ever happened to mathematics.